FIRE Survey 2021 - investing
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Investing Experience

Completion rate: 100%

64% of the community has been investing for less than 5 years. Last year's COVID crash would have been the first bear market for many.

FIRE Number

Completion rate: 100%

56% of respondents FIRE number is between $1M - $2M. I have personally found that my FIRE number has increased over the years. I started at $1M but it's now up to $1.25M. It will be interesting to see if respondents change their FIRE number in future surveys and see if it goes up or down. I think age plays a big factor with this one. Young people may underestimate their future expenses whereas older people may forget how little they spend without kids (once they move out)

Withdrawal Rate

Completion rate: 98.46%

The famous 4% from the Trinity study is as popular as ever and is what we personally will be using when running the calculations

ASX Products

Completion rate: 100%

VDHG was the big mover compared to last years results


Completion rate: 98.15%

60% of respondents didn't use DRP in last years survey... interesting to see the sentiment change for 2021


Completion rate: 98.07%

Interesting to see that only 10% of the community use DSSP/BSP as it's often touted as such a major advantage for investing in certain LIC's.

Investment Structure

Completion rate: 100%

Similar results to last year.

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